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Max Keiser comes on the Keiser Report and wishes to see Orange people form China treat America as the IMfF and WTO does with Italy

Sebastian Salvador
   Max Keiser came aboard his award winning economic forecast program on the Rt network and talked about the EU and Central banking attacks in Italy and the new government and he said how they should return to the lira currency to have more complete Independence form the bamboozling that takes place from the EU and form Brussels upon nations.
Keiser observed how similar y China owned so much of Americas debt but thus far doesn't have the gonads to treat Americans it people in much of the same way the EU is trying to curb and destroy Italy's free will as done to Greece over the years . Keiser wished that China would attempt this and called out FOXXCONN and w as amazed at how local governments and shit politicians like Scott walker and Paul Ryan greased up their poop chutes for this man because of his money and idea to land crummy oppressive jobs on the shores of Wisconsin so Chinese capital and money can have excuses to purchase the area.
Tery Guo and other Orange faces for owning so  much of this nation and having a Chines restaurant everywhere and eventually the credits from China will treat America in much the same manner and when it does there will be an explosion of this corrupt  system. Keiser talked about how the elites are pushing the public towards  populist form of governments with their austerity  as seen in America and Italy and will be seen in Mexico as the masses are shut off from the free financing of connected class and once  again Max called out Orange-face Terry Guo and his FOX CONN ventures in Wisconsin to try treating American worker like how those in manufacturing worker in China are treated like discarded sunflower seeds. Keiser says there is a awakening and this is leading to the populist movements across nations as the people use their voting power tot stand up to the billionaires trying to set the narrative and agenda and the coming authoritarian stage will only escalate the resistance and battle against the billionaires  like Taiwan's Terry Gou form using industry and movement t of capital to use and abuse foreign states and government ts and use political leverage through it and open up territories to Chinese styles of corruption globally and erase watchdogs and freedoms

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