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Viva Las Vegas 16! Day 4

On Sunday, the 31 of March, I woke up in my hotel around 10:00 am. Big Daddy and I ordered room service breakfast and then took showers to get ready for the last day of Viva.

Sunday is the "relaxing day" of Viva. It is also the main day people go to the pool to hang out, watch the swimsuit contest, and just enjoy the day. In the Orleans, there is also the Charles Phoenix slide show, the jive contest, do last minute shopping in the vendor rooms and stay up one last night at the all-night record hops.

After getting ready, Big Daddy and I got a cab and headed over to the Orleans. We made our way to the pool area and the line was long but after we got in it, it seemed to get longer. We waited in line, in the sun, for about 40+ minutes.
That's me. I am getting annoyed with the fact all of us Viva kids had to wait in line so long and also because I forgot my parasol! Thank heavens for sunblock!

After finally reaching the gate, Big Daddy and I were let in!
Big Daddy and I found a nice spot and got some drinks. I got a Mai Tai and he got a couple of beers. Now pose!

The weather was perfect. Then we saw the vintage swimsuit contest starting. All the girls looked fabulous!
One year I hope to have enough chutzpah to enter! I think it would be fun!

While Big Daddy and I were hanging out enjoying our drinks, a husband and wife from a foreign country (that I will not name) came over to us and started talking. The husband was wasted but he was nice and simply chatty. The wife, however, what a different story! She was DRUNK. I mean super crazy drunk!! She was slurring her words, talking about random things that made no sense, and was flicking her cigarette ashes on my patio skirt.

This is me and the woman was on the left. I cropped her out of the picture. My husband took it, thinking we were having a nice, civil conversation but it quickly became apparent, things were not what they seemed! After a few minutes, the woman's harmless rambling became quite terse. She started getting adversarial with me and even made a veiled anti-semitic remark when I answered her question about what my background was. I was like, "What the heck??!! Where did all this come from?!" Despite her drunken tirade, I maintained my composure and grace. I looked over at Big Daddy with my "HELP ME AND GET ME THE (expletive) OUT OF HERE NOW eyes!" Without skipping a beat, he told the couple "We have to go, we have a reservation." We made our hasty retreat to the opposite side of the pool area. After the crazy dust settled, we both looked at the each other and just laughed! What else can ya do?!

Big Daddy and I realized we were hungry so we ate at the pool. I got a tuna wrap and Big Daddy got cheeseburger.  Our food was surprisingly good!

After a few hours, we decided to head back to our hotel for a rest and to prepare for Sunday night.

I felt Sunday night's attire called for a 60s look! I wore a late 50s, polished cotton, Hawaiian-made cheongsam dress, silver pollys, 50s silver confetti lucite earrings, stretch pearl bracelets, and did my hair ala the early seasons of Mad Men.
After getting ready, we made our way over to the Orleans one more time! We listened to the music in the Bienville Room and then I did a little last-minute shopping at the Re-Mix Shoes booth. I got a pair of the Vogue wedgies in red.
I also wanted the Vogue in white but I decided to just get the red this time. I will, however, order the white pair when the weather stays warm. I know this sounds lame but I still feel weird wearing white shoes before Memorial Day! It must be "raised in the South" thing!

After getting my shoes and browsing the vendor rooms one last time, Big Daddy and I made our way back to the Bienville Room and when I went to powder my nose, I bumped into Holly B. from Temperamental Broad Blog! I was hoping to see her during Viva and finally I did! Too bad it was in the ladies' room and all for just a few moments! She looked fantastic as always! I hope we can do a meet up next year! She is just a doll and so so nice!

Around 1 am, Big Daddy was getting tired and I realized I was too. All that time in the sun at the pool party made us sleepy. We headed back to hotel and went to bed. The next few days were my 'birthday days!' My birthday was Tuesday the 2nd of April and we stayed in Vegas until Thursday the 4th.

When Viva was over, I was sad! I just could not believe how quickly it went by! Nevertheless, I cannot wait for next year and I hope to meet more of you too! 

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