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New Release: INC.redible Makeup Range by Nails.INC

We all know who Nails.INC is, unless you live under a rock, of course, in which case I'd tell you - get out from under that rock, girl, because we gotta chat about Nails.INC and their new makeup line! There is nothing bigger and hotter than the drop of a brand new range of makeup, and that is exactly what we're talking about here today!

Nails.INC is letting you #BeYourIncredibleSelf - the release of their INC.redible makeup range is EXACTLY what 2020 needs as boost, or at the very least, exactly what I need as a boost in 2020! Let me walk you through what's coming and what to expect from this collection! 

There is a whole range of goodness coming our way, and what you can see is just a small selection of that. Given what I was sent, I'm pretty confident that we can say that at least the following will be coming:

  • Lacquer Lip Tints (Slow Jamz and Squeeze Me pictured)
  • Listen Hard Girl Lip Paints (I'm Hot RN and She's Arrived pictured)
  • Rollerball Lip Glosses (Heal Yourself, Find Love and Stay Lucky pictured)
  • Hemp Hydration Lip Jelly (Just Kinda Bliss pictured)
  • Lid Slick Eye Pigment (Dose of Ego and Just Do You pictured)
  • For The First Time Bounce Blush (Be My First Kiss and First Time For Everything pictured)

I absolutely love the look of the whole line! It feels fresh, it appeals to my fun side, there's a youthful vibe about it, and most of all, there's a tangible innovation that can be seen in the collection. For example, I love that the Listen Hard Girl Lip Paints will show up under UV light, and that the Rollerball Lip Gloss contain actual crystals, which are meant to help stimulate lip circulation. 

Whether that truly works or not is unknown to me, but I do love that they are thinking outside the box to integrate something that's not often seen in makeup. And just think! You are left with something pretty after using the lip gloss - it's not often that you can hang on to something quite so gorgeous once you run out of your product!

This collection is going to be available at Priceline very soon, so keep your eyes peeled, and your wallet at the ready! Are you as excited as I am about what's about to hit our stores, or more excited?

*These products were provided for editorial consideration

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