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Getting My Groove Back

 Today the stationary bike came back out of the garage and into the dining room.  It's time to start working on those several extra pounds I have put on over the last week.

From here I can watch the rain dripping from the trees and catch up on magazines that have been piling up unread.
Earlier today we changed and laundered all of the bedding in the guest rooms, took down the dining table, put away the gift wrapping station, and did some general putting away and vacuuming.  I started adding dates to the 2012 calendar and prepared some documents for processing as a beneficiary of my mother's estate.

Now I have finished my ten mile "ride".  Here is what I found in the family room.  
But then Tom is better at resisting sweets than I am, and he seems to be able to lose weight just by contemplating it.

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