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Keeping Up

It almost physically pains me that we are already 6 days into October. I don't know where the time is going. It has been 2? 3? weeks since I posted last. September was a blur which wasn't helped by a traveling husband but, fingers crossed, he is done for the year because jeez, I am just so over it.

I did make good use of the time while he was gone, doing creative projects, nesting, getting organized and decorating for Autumn. I'm loving my new planner and having a single place for all of my lists, notes and project ideas.

I just recently realized that my 10 year blogging anniversary is coming up on Oct 16th. I can't tell you what a shock that is. It's strange because in many ways it feels like I just started blogging, but on the other hand, I don't even recognize my life from 10 years ago. It has certainly been a decade of change for me. I plan to celebrate with a giveaway. More on that later!

The baby of the family is dipping her toe into being an entrepreneur. Last week she made a batch of fudge (her great, great grandmother's recipe) and took it to school to sell for a $1 a piece. She sold out very quickly, paid me for ingredients out of her earnings and still pocketed $12. She wanted money to buy a musical soundtrack and her success has encouraged her to make a double batch this weekend since there are more musical soundtracks on her wish list. She has quickly learned that a chocolate lover and his money are soon parted. I love her problem solving spirit and that she can use one of her loves to support another!

It is officially feeling like fall here in the Village, although we are in the middle of a little bout of Indian Summer, which I could do without. Fall will be back in full force Saturday and I plan to celebrate with a batch of butternut squash soup and homemade bread. This time of year always makes me think back to the time when we first fell in love with this Village.

I will never forget the feeling of absolute certainty that this was the place I was supposed to be. That has not wavered for a moment since that first day. Instead, it seems to grower stronger with time.

Our life isn't perfect, our home isn't perfect, but I am so thoroughly thankful for all of it. I was telling my Sweet Man last night that I often feel unworthy of my life.  I think, especially growing up the way I did, I never considered that things could be this good. I could never take any of it for granted, that's for sure.

I find that my awareness of how fortunate I am, is heightened on my Sacred Day. Yesterday was spent in the studio sorting through stacks and stacks of craft books, knitting, watching crafty podcasts and doing an embroidery project. Let me say, for the record, I am now officially a french knot expert. It only took me 25 years.

I will leave you with these (blurry) photos I got of our sneaky Millie stealing tomatoes out of the garden this morning. We knew that she's been doing it all summer but we had been unable to catch her in the act.

 I couldn't see her from the back door so I snuck out with my camera. Obviously her ears were so full of foliage that she didn't hear me come up behind her. Please ignore the chaotic mess that is our garden right now!

She couldn't quite get that juicy red tomato to the right of her from the previous angle so she changed her plan of attack. By now she knew I was out there but she was too fixated on the veg to stop what she was doing.

And then...success! In the past she has eaten green beans off the vine, jalapeños, eggplant and cucumbers right out of the garden. At this point, we have pretty much given up on having a garden.  The thing that amazes me is that she understands the difference between ripe and unripe and will leave them until they are ready. She is clearly smarter than we have given her credit for!

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