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O Summer, where art Thou?

I know that many people are experiencing extremely hot temperatures. And I sympathize with you. Somewhat. Because hot is not what's happening around here. 

Early Wednesday morning I awoke to lightning flashing in our room followed by thunder rolling and booming in the hills. We rarely get thunderstorms and the sound took me back to Ecuador where they occurred frequently. And then the rain began. And it rained all day. Sometimes hard, sometimes just a drizzle. 

You can see my poor roses are beaten down with the rain. This morning is cloudy, but brightening and I have high hopes for a more summery day.

This cooler weather is great for some things, though. My squash plants are enormous - and under those leaves are many zucchini growing their little hearts out.

The brassicas are doing well, too. I planted my vegetables wherever there was a little space, and this is the view from my office window. It's the first time I've grown brassicas and I'm quite liking it.

Looking more on the bright side of things, this is the first dahlia. Isn't she a beauty? She looks like she's been crying a little, but I think those tears will dry up soon. 

Meanwhile, I'll make myself a cup of tea, put on a sweater and keep plodding away - another essay is in the works, this one in French. 

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