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Compost - the secret of our garden success!

Dear Family & Friends

Good soil brings good food! Compost is essential for a healthy garden. We make our own compost just by using all the spent garden greens like the weeds, grass clippings, dried leaves, shredded cardboards...yes, just pile them all up, water them or better still, use liquid gold, which is easier for man to contribute, but a bit tricky for the women...! Our compost heap gets so warm and they will start decomposting,  creating a rich medium to use in the garden. All natural!

Making compost is just one of the most prized work around here:)

Our chickens help a lot in contributing to the health of our garden soil too. Their poops are valuable resource, they scratch and peck on bugs in the soil, and any overgrown veggies in their pen will be eaten up...so no waste. Likewise, our cared for worms, also create rich compost in the confine of their home in the corner of the barn.

Our chickens are free to scratch and peck all year long, we give them portions of our garden to work on with.

If you have comfrey plants, they are great for making compost tea drinks for the garden plants. Just gather the leaves and rot them in a bucket of water. In a week's time, you'll have a very stinky smelly liquid which we now call comfrey tea...yes, highly nutricious for the garden, to grow robust plants.

This is what comfrey plant looks like...a perennial plant that will come back once winter is over

In two to six months time, the compost pile would crumble to soil like state. It's odorless and looks like dark soft rich garden soil. By all means, use them to spread around the garden plants. Then, it's time to start making another pile all over again:)

This guy loves compost making, keeping our garden clean and we end up having lots of  free compost to use!

Compost is really what makes all our garden plants happy and strong...in return, we end up eating fruits and veggies that are richer in nutrient value too. So, no chewing exercise comes to futility!!

Stay happy, healthy and strong.


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