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Home Sweet Home

Well after just over 2 weeks I am finally back on British soil, though quite
regretably as Mexico was just fantastic, would recommend to anyone for a holiday!

Here is a piccie of our first meal outside the hotel - Beef Fajitas at a small slightly unhygienic looking Mexican roadside restaurant!

I did manage to eat my body weight in lots of lovely food but not much wine as was a bit vinegary for me! However did make good use of the bar and became marginally addicted to blue lagoon 'slushies'! Our hotel was all-inclusive so I never went hungry with the various restaurants being open from 7am for breakfast until about 2am for the snack bar!

Despite eating lots of Mexican food we had a few other cuisines, including a visit to a fantastic Japanese restaurant where everything was cooked to order in front of us!

This was our great sushi starter of pickled ginger with wasabi, king prawn on a quenelle of rice, courgette fritters, little rolls of cucumber and cream cheese wrapped in rice and sesame seeds and a lightly cured fish (I think it was Tuna!) with shredded courgette and carrots:

An intermediary course of mushroom and tofu miso soup:

Then this picture also came out bad but it was a lush Japanese rice dish with mixed vegetables and eggs, cooked also on the hotplate:

This was my giant sized portion of beef fillet steak with oyster sauce, cooked on the hotplate (rather embarrassingly I couldn't finish it!):

I didn't manage to get a picture of dessert as it was melting so quickly but I had deep fried vanilla ice-cream! Was very tasty but fun to eat!

That's all for now as the jet-lag is catching up but will try and add later!

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