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Currently on the Needles

I only just realized that I have a mere seven days to get done what I want to get done before the Thanksgiving holiday.  My self imposed deadlines are looming.  So I went into high gear knitting for the mitts.  I finished the one in the above photo and started the second pair of mitts.  The second pair is the last pair.  To the right in the basket is my super secret knitting project that I cannot show you.  Sigh.

I have a difficult time with secrets....so let's see if I can hold out for a few more weeks??

I continue to read The Book of Speculation which started off quite good but now I'm just wondering why all the character's conversations seem forced and unreal.  The plot gets weird and I'm suspending belief to finish.  I have less that 80 pages to go.  Thank goodness.

Alexander Hamilton is FANTASTIC.  Each sentence is loaded with information.  This is my first time reading a non fiction historical book.  I must say, I love it!  I wonder, why didn't my history teachers make this content as thrilling as this author?  I never cared for history classes and found them boring.  Maybe it's because the teachers didn't make it personal enough.  I was faced with a series of dates, events and endless memorizing and spitting back the information on a test.

What are you knitting and reading this week?

Joining Ginny and Frontier Dreams

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